I want to become an EDCLUB Mentor!

That’s great! You’re going to be improving the lives of disadvantaged children, helping them build a better future for themselves - just by asking them questions. So now you’ve decided, what happens next?


You need to fill out the form to introduce yourself and let us know you’re interested in becoming an EDCLUB mentor.


We’ll then be in touch and email you an EDCLUB Welcome Pack that includes a ‘Code of Conduct’ for child protection.


You sign and return the ‘Code of Conduct’ to us and you’re officially part of the EDCLUB team!

Does your school have an EDCLUB rep?

Ideally, each school would have an ‘EDCLUB Rep’ - a responsible student to be the ‘go-to’ person for the activity, spread the word and encourage others to join EDCLUB. We will give you a helping hand with starting up and building a team of EDCLUB mentors.

Three simple steps - that's it.

“I think what you’ve achieved so far is simply astounding”

– Richard Baker (OXFAM)